Cornhole Tournament w/Fortside Brewing Company
Caps N’ Taps is holding a cornhole tournament on Saturday, June 1st at 1:00pm! All the information you could possibly need is below…
-Featuring beer from Fortside Brewing Company
-Must be at Caps N’ Taps by 12:30pm to check in.
-Must register in advance (no day of registration). Team matchups are drawn at random in advance of tournament.
-$10 per team to register
-Must register as a team (no individuals)
-Must be 21+ to play
-Play is race to 21 (no bust)
You can register by mail or in person. Link to registration form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s2S5u6npm1XTmlJLX4RL3eFca2SsU0akHXYCgYf89Jk/edit?fbclid=IwAR13uobZ7QGwVo8oLcZqqx31BGcd6kXp_Xh1wTu7ua1PlOlJr9s2ogMmkUk
Not very good at cornhole…That’s ok! Just come cheer on the teams and stick around for a beer from Fortside.